✈️ Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 – Wie Betrüger eine Tragödie für Abzocke nutzen


Ein Millionen-Erbe von einem unbekannten Verstorbenen? Betrüger missbrauchen tragische Ereignisse wie den Absturz von Flug ET302, um ahnungslose Opfer mit perfiden E-Mails in die Falle zu locken.

Die E-Mail von mrbrightmp@gmail.com

Ein angeblicher Bankdirektor aus Südafrika behauptet, ein ausländischer Kunde namens Mathy Reinhold sei beim Absturz von Ethiopian Airlines Flug 302 ums Leben gekommen. Da es keinen Erben gebe, solle der Empfänger als „nächster Verwandter“ auftreten und 15 Millionen Dollar erben – natürlich gegen eine Gewinnbeteiligung für den Absender.

Alles sei legal und sicher, man müsse nur vertrauensvoll mitmachen!

I know, this letter will come to you as surprises as we never met before. My name is Mr. Bright Maphosa, the director in charge of Chief Auditing and Accounting Unit of Standard Bank South Africa I and my colleagues, hope that you will not expose or betray this trust and confidant that I am about to introduce to you for the mutual benefit of our both families. I am writing in respect of Mr. MATHY REINHOLD of a foreign customer of our Bank who perished long with his next of kin with Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, flight number 801with the whole passengers on 10th of March 2019, Open and view the website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopian_Airlines_Flight_302

Since the demise of this our customer, I personally has watched with Keen interest to see the next of kin but all has proved abortive as no one has come to claim his funds of $15.000.000,00 (Fifteen Million United States Dollars), which has been with our branch for a very long time. On this note, I decided to seek for whom his name shall be used as the Next of Kin since nobody is coming for the fund again. In view of this I got your contact through the Internet when I was doing research on a foreigner that I will use in this great opportunity because I don’t want the money to be recalled to our Bank treasury as unclaimed funds. I have also agreed to offer you 40% of the total sum and the rest 60% will be for me.

The reason for a foreigner in the Business is for the fact that the deceased man was a foreigner and it is not authorized by the law guiding our Bank for a citizen of this country to make the claim of the fund. So the Request of you as a foreigner is necessary to apply for the release and transfer of the fund smoothly into your reliable Bank account as the Surviving Relation to the deceased. If you are really sure of your integrity, trustworthy and confidentiality, and accept not to cheat or disappoint me after this business.

I will send you by fax or e-mail the next procedure to follow in order to execute this transaction .I will not fail to bring to your notice that this business is hitch free and doesn’t have any negative impact. You should not entertain any fear as all modalities for the smooth and easy transfer of this fund have been finalized; this transaction will be completed within 7-bank working Days immediately we start the claim. Waiting for your urgent response and please kindly delete if you are not interested. Email me with this ( mrbrightmp@gmail.com )


Mr. Bright Maphosa

Hintergrund: Das Unglück von Ethiopian Airlines Flug 302

Am 10. März 2019 stürzte Ethiopian Airlines Flug 302, eine Boeing 737 MAX 8, nur wenige Minuten nach dem Start in Addis Abeba ab. Alle 157 Menschen an Bord kamen ums Leben. Die Tragödie war das zweite Unglück mit diesem Flugzeugtyp innerhalb weniger Monate und führte schließlich zu einem weltweiten Flugverbot der Boeing 737 MAX. Spätere Untersuchungen ergaben, dass ein fehlerhaftes Steuerungssystem (MCAS) maßgeblich für den Absturz verantwortlich war.

Betrüger nutzen solche Katastrophen skrupellos aus, um mit erfundenen Erbschaftsgeschichten Vertrauen zu erschleichen und ahnungslose Opfer abzuzocken.

Hugo antwortet!

Natürlich lassen wir uns eine solche Change nicht entgehen und antworten, auch wenn sich Hugo schwer mit Englisch tut, wird er hoffentlich seine Punkte rüber bringen.

Dear Mr. Bright Maphosa,

Wow, what a surprise! Fifteen million dollars just for me? That sounds amazing! I always wanted to be rich like Elon Musk. But I have some questions.

  1. Why did you choose me? I am just a simple man from Wanne-Eickel.
  2. Can I get the money in cash? I like to keep my savings under my mattress.
  3. Do you also have gold bars? I heard they are good for bad times.

Please send me more details quickly! I will ask my friend at the BMW club if he wants to help too.

Best regards,
Hugo from Wanne-Eickel 🚗🍻

Die Masche: Ein Millionen-Erbe aus dem Nichts

Die Betrüger-E-Mails folgen immer demselben Muster: Ein angeblicher Bankdirektor aus Südafrika schreibt, dass ein reicher Kunde, Mr. Mathy Reinhold, beim Absturz von Ethiopian Airlines Flug 302 ums Leben gekommen sei – natürlich ohne Erben. Wie praktisch!

Da das Geld sonst verfallen würde, bietet der „seriöse Banker“ nun an, dass man sich einfach als verlorener Verwandter ausgibt und 15 Millionen Dollar kassiert. Alles sei 100 % legal (klar doch!), man müsse nur ein paar Formulare ausfüllen und sich vertrauenswürdig verhalten. Natürlich gibt es 40 % für den Glücklichen, der die E-Mail bekommt, und 60 % für den Banker, weil Betrügen ja auch fair sein muss.

Der Haken? Bevor man das „Erbe“ bekommt, muss man erst ein paar Gebühren zahlen. Und dann noch ein paar. Und dann noch ein paar… bis man merkt: Das einzige, was hier verschwindet, ist das eigene Geld. 🤦‍♂️

Die längliche E-Mail:

Greetings, I earnestly appreciate your mail response to my proposition. In light of this, I must give you the assurance that there is a reward for the proposed project and its success is a GUARANTEE take it from me, All I demand from you is the desired honest cooperation and transparency to enable us to actualize this transaction timely as predetermined, as I am aware that its success is a certainty, without mincing words.

In anticipation of a mutual relationship in the future, I will leave your details now for you to advance your knowledge of the transaction and to reaffirm that this transaction is comparatively free as breathing if carried out with your open-mindedness and genuine cooperation. It is a priority that the transaction will be confidentially executed, because of my in-service status with the bank.

Furthermore, the fund in question is $15.000.000,00 (Fifteen Million United States Dollars)in a dormant account because of financial inactivity since the demise of the deceased.

Mr. MATHY REINHOLD of a foreign customer of our Bank who perished long with his next of kin with Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, flight number 801with the whole passengers on 10th of March 2019, Open and view the website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopian_Airlines_Flight_302

I decided to seek your assistance to have you stand as a distant relative/partner of the deceased, to afford me the rare opportunity to successfully and legitimately achieve a more endurable human aim with the fund.

In as much as I anticipate a positive response from you, I shall proceed to draft a formal letter of claim, which I will forward to you, which will contain most vital and interior information relating to the deceased, such that upon the receipt of the letter by the Bank’s relevant department, they will acknowledge firsthand knowledge information of the deceased by you, while me being an insider will definitely facilitate things as I will put up excellent monitoring of the transaction as soon as you forward the letter to the bank and confirm to me.

NOTE: Upon transaction conclusion, you will be entitled to 40% of the total sum while 60% will be for me. be assured that the transaction is quite legal, problem-free with my involvement, considering my working with the bank, I will do everything within my reach to ensure a quick


Endeavor to abide by the confidentiality demand of this transaction, it will please me to request that my reason for the visit to your country need not to be disclosed to any individual till the funds are transferred to your account.

I should believe that you will not betray me nor cheat me during the course of this Claim. I will have more confidence and trust in you as soon as you guarantee me with the following and be informed that I am the only person in South Africa who knows about this fund and its position.

Hope to read from you soonest
You’re sincerely
Mr Brighton Maphosa

Wir antworten

Natürlich konnten wir uns diese Gelegenheit nicht entgehen lassen und haben Hugo aus Wanne-Eickel ins Rennen geschickt. Schließlich ist es nicht jeden Tag, dass einem 15 Millionen Dollar auf dem Silbertablett serviert werden – von einem völlig unbekannten Banker mit einer Gmail-Adresse. 🤔

Hugo zeigt sich begeistert und stellt die wirklich wichtigen Fragen: Kann er das Geld in bar bekommen? Schließlich traut er Banken nicht mehr, seit sie seine 50 Euro „verloren“ haben. Ein geheimer Koffer-Deal in seiner Garage wäre ihm da lieber. Außerdem muss natürlich geklärt werden, wie man beweist, dass man der verschollene Erbe ist. Vielleicht reicht es, sich als „Mathys Cousin aus Wanne-Eickel“ auszugeben?

Mit einer Mischung aus Naivität, dreistem Humor und ein paar Bier intus bringt Hugo den Scammer ins Schwitzen. 🍿😆

Dear Mr. Brighton Maphosa,

Wow, I really like your enthusiasm! You are so confident – that makes me feel safe. I totally understand the need for secrecy. I won’t tell anyone, not even my friend Kevin from the BMW Club (and he is very trustworthy).

Before we proceed, I have an important question: Can we make the transfer in cash? I don’t trust banks, you know. Too many fees, and last time they lost my 50 Euro deposit. Maybe we can arrange a secret suitcase exchange in my garage? I can even clean up a bit to make space.

Also, do I need a special document to prove I am a relative? Maybe I can say I am his lost cousin from Wanne-Eickel? You know, my grandma always said we have distant family all over the world.

I am so excited about this deal, my hands are shaking (or maybe that’s just from the five beers I had). Please send me all the details quickly, so I can start preparing my “rich man” lifestyle.

Best regards,
Hugo from Wanne-Eickel 🚗🍻💰

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