Millionen aus Syrien? Das Märchen der Arisha Schuch mit dem großen Herz und den großen Koffern


Ein Klassiker der modernen Märchenwelt: Eine 31-jährige UN-Mitarbeiterin aus Texas (oder war es die Tschechische Republik?) schreibt über ihren heldenhaften Einsatz in Syrien – und ihre plötzliche Leidenschaft für die Gastronomie. Mit 2,2 Millionen Dollar im Gepäck und einem Diplomatenkoffer als Zauberstab verspricht sie Ihnen 30 % Beteiligung. Alles, was Sie dafür tun müssen? Na klar, nur schnell helfen. Ironisch gesprochen: Wer könnte bei so viel Herz, Drama und „diplomatischem“ Aufwand widerstehen? 🧳✨

Die erste E-Mail

Die erste E-Mail findet sich im Spamordner wieder, seltsame Zeichen erwarten uns. Normal würden wir die E-Mail einfach löschen, aber neugierig wie wir sind, packen wir das in Google Translate.

שמי ארישה. מעניין אם קיבלת את ההודעה הקודמת ששלחתי

Die Übersetzung

Die Sprache wird als Hebräisch erkannt. Eine vorherige Nachricht haben wir nicht erhalten, aber fragen wir mal nach.

Die Antwort

Die erste Antwort lässt auch nicht lange auf sich warten. Schrieben wir anfangs noch an “” kommt nun eine Antwort vom Hotmail-Account “”. Die Antwort ist wie immer länglich. Aktuell arbeitet die Dame für die Friedenstruppen in Syrien, will da aber weg, Geld ist da, in diplomatischen Koffern verstaut und muss nur noch irgendwie nach Europa. Wir sollen helfen.

Good moning, How are you doing? Please, I want to relocate to your country and start a new life there. That is why I wrote to you, and please read my message carefully so that you will understand it very well.

My name is Arisha Hwee Schuch, and I’m originally from the Czech Republic. I was born on American soil on April 19, 1993, in West Orange, Texas, USA. I am 31 years old, single, and never married. I currently work with the peacekeeping forces in Syria under the United Nations response team in the Middle East.

Thank you so much for your positive response. The details are that I would like to make a passionate appeal that enables you to assist me in a legitimate evacuation of $2,200,000 ( Two Million, Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) of my share from Syria here before my redeployment.

I am soliciting your help with this evacuation because in a few days I will be redeployed to another peacekeeping mission before my vacation, which will make me lose this fund in Syria, and that’s why I need your urgent help because I want to use it to start restaurant businesses in your country, like America and European restaurants, as soon as I arrive.

To make this process understandable to you, I have made a solid arrangement with a security logistics company that works with Red Cross and diplomatic to handle the shipment legally, so that there will be no form of risk in the process.

Meanwhile, money will be sealed and packed safely as diplomatic cargo (Diplomatic) in a Luggage to make it undetectable, and it will be delivered to you by a diplomat in your country.

However, to make this request beneficial, I have decided to give you a 30% share of the money for your support and your business, while the rest of the balance shall be my investment capital in your country, which you will assist me with.

Please, if you need more clarification, just let me know and I will explain further. But if you understand everything, kindly let me know so that we can proceed to the next stage.

Note: We are not allowed to use mobile phones; it is highly prohibited. Please kindly understand and respect the fact that we will be communicating through this medium because I am writing with you with our military computer here in Syria.

Below are my civilian and military service pictures and my passport.

I am looking forward to receiving your next reply. Have a pleasant time.

I am waiting Arisha


Um die Sache zu unterstreichen, gibt es Ausweisdokumente, ein Bild der Dame und ein USA-Reisepass? Fangen wir mit dem Bild an, ich habe die Sache unkenntlich gemacht. Die Rückwärtssuche führt zu einem Instragram-Post, das Bild wurde von hier geklaut.

Rückwärtssuche im Internet

Der Ausweis ist etwas besser gemacht, hier liefert die Suche kein direktes Bild. Hier wurde vermutlich nur eine Photoshop-Vorlage verwendet und ein ähnliches Foto verwendet.

Der Ausweis

Wir schreiben zurück

Wir wollen die Dame nicht warten lassen und schreiben neugierig, aber auch änglich zurück, immerhin sprechen wir ja über Syrien.

Dear Arisha, I have to admit, your email caught me by surprise, and I’m curious how you found my contact information. Your situation sounds both urgent and unusual, which makes me want to understand more. To be honest, I am a little bit scared.

While I’m open to helping, the details you’ve shared so far make the process seem quite risky. Could you provide more information about how this would work and any assurances that everything is legitimate?

Looking forward to your response.

Schnelle Antwort und Glückwünsche zum neuen Jahr

Die Antwort lässt nicht lange auf sich warten und ist wie gehabt länglich.

My Dear XXXX,

Please, I have chosen to contact you after my prayers, which made my heart feel for you, and I believe that you will not betray my trust or thwart my dream, though you may wonder why I am so soon revealing this to you. Well, I will say that my heart convinced me that you are the right person to help me assist and invest in this Fund in your country, and this is a hundred percent free deal between me and you, and everything is legal, so do not be afraid of anything.

Thank you for this progressive response. I am a lady who does things according to the guidelines of her spirit, and I assure you that you won’t regret being part of this deal. Also, I have made a solid arrangement with a security logistics company that works with Red Cross here in Syria to handle the shipment legally, and it won’t involve any danger or risk because it’s their responsibility to deliver and there will be no form of exposing us in any process because is legal delivery.

However, I want you to understand that there are no complications with this method; just follow my instructions, and everything will go smoothly in the process of receiving this consignment. Also, I would like you to keep this secret matter between you and me to avoid any complications because, with seriousness, commitment, and earnestness, we must surely succeed.

Meanwhile, I want to mention that the company will handle this consignment under the provisions of Article 27 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, and there are no circumstances under which you should let the company know the contents of this consignment. Another passionate appeal I will make again is not to discuss this matter with any party in any circumstance.

Besides, I will need your shipping information now, so I will forward it to the Courier Company to enable them to proceed with the delivery to your country immediately.

Fill out the below shipping information as follows and send it to me immediately;

Your full names are:

Your age:

Your Address:

Postal Code:



Mobile number:


Nearest Airport:

Finally, I appreciate us paying more attention to this issue. Once you receive this consignment, contact me for the access code, take your share, and safely keep mine till I come over.

I await your shipping information urgently, and I promise that you will never regret this.

Alles alles ok, so wird es uns versichert. Da wird nicht schnell genug antworten, kommt einen Tag später bereits die nächste E-Mail, man wünscht uns ein schönes neues Jahr, wie nett.

Hello XXX, how are you doing today and happy new year to you?.

Please, i am still waiting for your reply so that i will know my plan and know what to do next thank you.

Have a nice day ahead.


Antwort mit persönlichen Daten

OK, wir spielen das Spiel mal mit und liefern ein paar Daten. Dazu geben wir uns weiterhin skeptisch und fragen nach weiteren Dokumenten.


I’m not used to things like this, so I hope you understand if I’m a bit cautious. It sounds like you’ve thought this through, but before I go ahead, could you send me something that proves everything is as you say? I just want to make sure it’s all real. Hope thats okkay

Here’s the info you asked for:

FAKE DATEN geliefert

I’m trusting you on this, so I hope you can understand my little worries. Let me know soon.


Der Koffer wurde versendet

Wir bekommen eine Antwort. Der Diplomatenkoffer wurde versendet. Wir müssen uns jetzt nur noch an den Versender wenden. address through the provided nearest Airport.

My Dear,

Thank you for everything, I have sent the information to the Courier Firm (FexPress Cargo Company) with the help of the Red Cross teams here, and they have acknowledged the information and begun the processing.

Honey, I want you to know that this company is a well-known cargo company with its headquarters in Turkey, locations in Europe, America, and Asia. They are a big company in diplomatic delivery.

I chose their express premium service so you can receive the package within 3-4 Business days to your home

Meanwhile, the consignment will be on its way to your country as soon as the company confirms it. So I want you to write an email to the company now with this shipment registration code: 8609284. Compose the email with your name and the country. Tell them that you are the right person to receive diplomatic cargo from Arisha Hwee Schuch, the Peacekeeping Officer in Syria.

Please contact the company at their email address now. Below are the contact details of the FEXPRESS Cargo Company. Fexpress Cargo Company Abdurrahman Nafiz Gürman, Şair Ahmet Kutsi Tecer Cd. Merter No. 35/1, 34173 Güngören/İstanbul, Türkiye

Mr. Muhammed Musa Ali ( Manager) Email: Alt E-mail: Website:

Write an email to them now and let me know. I will be waiting to receive the positive update as soon as you contact the company.

Kiss from me Arisha

Bestätitung von

Gleichzeitig gibt es eine Bestätigung vom Versender.

Bestätigung von Fexpress


Der Dienstleister für den Versand macht uns erstmal stutzig. Die Webseite von Fexpress sieht auf den ersten Blick recht normal aus. Schaut man genauer hin, offenbaren sich viele Fehler auf der Webseite. Die Übersetzung passt oft nicht, Adressdaten sind leer.

Fexpress Webseite ein Fake?

Die Vermutung liegt nahe, dass man hier halbwegs professionell eine Webseite zusammengeschustert hat um eine Art seriösen Versanddienstleister zu schaffen. Das Whois der Webseite gibt es auch keinen Besitzer preis.

Dazu kommt, dass es kaum Google Verweise oder Informationen gibt, die über die eigentliche Webseite hinaus gehen.

Es gibt eine Anmeldung für neue Benutzer, die funktioniert, in der E-Mail, ändert sich auf einmal die Webadresse auf die Endung .ga! Diese Webseite ist leer, es ist zu vermuten, dass man hier die Adressen schnell mal ändert.

Bestätigung von Fexpress

Dennoch ein gewisser Respekt, dass man den Aufwand geht.

Wir schreiben an Fexpresscargo

Nun dann schreiben wir mal zurück.

Hello Mr. Ali,

My name is XXX, and I write about the shipment with number 8609284 from Ms. Arisha Hwee Schuch in Syria.

I am the person who is suppose to get this package. It is send with your express premium service to my home by the airport close to me.
Please tell me if you need some more infos from me or anything. I wait for your answer about when the package come.

Thank you for helping.


Der Koffer wird für den Versand vorbereitet

Die Antwort lässt nicht lange auf sich warten. Das Paket wird vorbereitet. Wir müssen abwarten. Sicher wird es bald Probleme beim Versand geben.

We hope this email finds you well. We are writing to provide you with an update on your shipment that was sent to you by Sgt. Arisha Hwee Schuch from Syria.

We have received your shipping information and would like to acknowledge that all the necessary arrangements have been made for your shipment to be delivered as requested. Our team is currently working on processing your shipment and ensuring that it meets all the necessary requirements.

We understand the importance of your shipment to you, and we assure you that we are doing everything we can to ensure that it is delivered on time and in perfect condition.

Once the shipment is dispatched to Hamburg Deutschland, we will send you the tracking details so that you can keep track of the progress of your shipment. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for choosing our logistics company for your shipping needs. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you again in the future.

Best regards,

Der Koffer ist unterwegs

Nach nur wenigen Stunden kommt die Antwort, Paket sei nun unterwegs. Unter können wir die Sendung nun verfolgen.

We are pleased to inform you that your consignment has shipped. Visit to Track your shipment details with estimated arrival date, with below details.

Shipment Tracking details.

AWB/Tracking Number:: XXXXXXXXXXXX Tracking address::

All shipments require a signature upon receipt. Transit time will depend upon whether or not you have chosen standard or premium freight.

But your consignment is already on the premium freight rate, at which it will arrive in Hamburg Deutschland in 3 days.

Versandbestätigung und Tracking

Sollte also in 3 Tagen da sein! 😁

Gebühren werden fällig

Wie erwartet werden Gebühren fällig. Arisha ist total überrascht, eigentlich hatte diese ja bereits gezahlt, aber nur die Hälfte wie sich herausstellt und sie kann dummerweise auch aktuell selbst kein Geld mehr überweisen. Auch interessant, dass der Zoll Diplomatenkoffer festhält.

We are writing to inform you that your diplomatic shipment with Fexpress Cargo Company, with tracking number ( XXXXXXXXXXX ) , has arrived at Istanbul International Airport, Turkey, on its first transit. As per the regulations for diplomatic shipments, an insurance certificate is required to cover the diplomatic status of the shipment.

We would like to emphasize the importance of insurance and how mandatory it is. The insurance is necessary to ensure the safety and security of your shipment and to avoid any unforeseen circumstances that may arise during transit.

Therefore, we kindly request that you pay the insurance certificate fee of 2940 euro (Two thousand nine hundred and forty euro) as soon as possible to avoid any delay or confiscation. Once the payment is received, we will issue the insurance certificate for your shipment and depart for Hamburg Deutschland.

Aber man gibt sich Mühe, sogar die Sendungsverfolgung wird aktualisiert.

Tracking aktualisiert, Gebühr wird fällig

Da müssen wir wohl in Vorkasse gehen! Fragen wir mal nach, wie das bezahlt werden kann.

Dear Arisha,

Thank you for your message. This situation is very surprising for me, and I don’t know exactly what to do now. The 2940 euros you write is very much money, and I am not sure if I can help with this.

Can you please explain me more? Who I must send the money, and how is the payment done. Do you have some documents from the company that show this Diplomatic Insurance Tag is needed? Are there no other ways to pay for this from your side?

I want to help you, but this is very difficult for me to understand, and I hope you can give me more information. Maybe it makes me feel more sure about it.

Waiting for your answer.