Vorsicht vor Finanzierungsangeboten von Fahad Al Ghanim Holding Ltd
Manchmal schenkt das Internet einem echte Perlen – wie diese E-Mail: „Finanzielle Unterstützung zwischen 2 und 500 Millionen Dollar? Einfach so? Kein Problem!“ Versprochen wird Großes, und zwar von niemand Geringerem als Fahad A M TH AlGhanim – mit einer Gmail-Adresse, die förmlich nach Seriosität schreit.
Ob Unternehmen, Privatperson oder einfach träumender Mensch – hier ist jeder willkommen, der Geld braucht. Natürlich haben wir zurückgeschrieben!
Die E-Mail-Anfrage
I am writing to connect with you on the front of financial funding. Notably on offer to companies, individuals, privates who are searching for financial partners to help boost their business and our range is from $2Million USD to over $500Million USD.
Let me know if you are interested.
Name of CEO: Fahad A M TH AlGhanim
Email: project@fahadalghanimholdingltd.com
Private Email: projectfahadalghanimholdingltd@gmail.com
Company Name: Fahad Al Ghanim Holding Ltd
Unsere Antwort
Wir haben natürlich mal auf englisch nachgefragt:
Dear Mr. AlGhanim,
Thank you for your extraordinary offer of financial funding. It’s not every day that one receives such a generous proposal to boost their business with a range starting at a mere $2 million and stretching up to an awe-inspiring $500 million. Truly, the generosity of strangers knows no bounds!
Your professionalism shines through the two email addresses you’ve provided—nothing screams credibility like a free Gmail account alongside a corporate-sounding domain. It’s reassuring to know that even at the heights of offering $500 million, you maintain such humble accessibility.
Unfortunately, at this time, my business doesn’t require the level of monumental financial support you so kindly offer. Should this situation change—or if I suddenly find myself in need of suspiciously unsolicited large sums of cash—I’ll be sure to reach out.
Please do keep me in mind for any future benevolent opportunities. It’s rare to encounter such selfless individuals offering unsolicited help without any ulterior motives whatsoever.
Warmest regards,
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